Saturday, December 26, 2015

A Glimmer of Peace Among the Christmas Crazy

It has been a crazy Christmas season, as this City Gone Country Girl returned to the city for a job. As a manager in a women's clothing store at the mall, I drive an hour to and from my  job with hopes to make a few extra bucks.

Farming is not the most lucrative business, and we have dreams to add and expand the Allen Family Homestead next spring. To fund our next adventure we need a bit of cash flow, so I have ventured off the farm and back to the city. 

I had forgotten what it was like to work the daily grind. 

I had forgotten what it was like to work retail.

I had forgotten what it was like to work retail during Christmas.

Don't get me wrong, for the most part, working in the mall during the Christmas season has been fun! The halls were decorated and twinkling the day after Halloween. Christmas carols filled the air. This may or may not been the best for our customers, as I readily sang along as a worked my shifts. The customers were excited to chit chat and share their holiday traditions, as the picked out perfect gifts for their loved ones. This was the part that filled me up and helped me get through the day.

The time that I had to spend at work away from my own family was had for me this season. This was the first Christmas I wasn't in charge of the holiday festivities on the Homestead. Decorating was done in pieces, and much of it left to my girls when I wasn't home. Most of the gift wrapping was passed to my oldest daughter, and she has become quite the professional gift wrapper now!  The baking was finished between my shifts, and Christmas dinner was held at my sisters instead of our Homestead. I am so grateful for my family stepping in where I could not be, but it made the season feel very different. 

To top it off... I missed our Christmas Eve church service for the first time in many years because of my work shift. And that made me very sad.

Something is missing. Someone is missing. Something...

Today, the day after Christmas, and I finally have a chance to sit. A moment of peace without the crazy. A cup of coffee, actually hot, without rushing to work or staring at a to-do list. 

This is when God revealed to me the piece that was missing. 
Christmas is supposed to be a season of Joy, Hope, and Peace. We are called to reflect upon what God accomplished by sending his Son to Earth as a baby on this Holy Day. 

"for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.' And sudddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." 
Luke 2:8-14 KJV

Instead of focusing on the Holy Gift of Christ Jesus, I have been focusing on what I haven't accomplished during the Christmas season. Making myself crazy trying to keep up with all the busywork and expectations that I have places on myself to make Christmas special. Feeling "less-than" because I cannot do all that I have done in past seasons, as I take on a job that has many work hours and new responsibilities. How many of us get wrapped up in the busyness of the season, only to miss what the season is supposed to be about?

As we were headed to my sisters house yesterday for Christmas dinner, we were listening to the audio version of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" by Dr. Seuss. My favorite line in the poem helped me put my own actions into perspective:

“And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.” 

A little holy, mindful nudge was needed as I finish my second cup of coffee this morning. Reflecting upon this season, Christmas came whether I had a perfectly decorated home or oodles of baked cookies. Sending time with my family and friends during the season and making memories is what God wants me to do with my time. Reflecting on God's goodness as the year comes to a close makes the memories we are making this season that much more precious.  

May God Bless you during this Christmas season! 
May we celebrate together the true meaning of CHRISTmas~
Merry Christmas from The Allen Family Homestead!

"as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Friday, April 17, 2015

Spring Has Sprung... Let the Projects Begin!

Spring is upon us at the Allen Family Homestead, and that means its time to dust off the tools and hit the project list! After this last hard winter, we are ready to move our bodies and breathe the fresh air. 

First Spring Project
Our first challenge was to rebuild the chicken fence. We needed to add permanent wood posts hold the fencing because our Husky dog has plowed over the fencing numerous times to get to the chickens. We also wanted to build a gate so we could let the chickens out to roam (when the dog is tethered of course).

This was the funniest day, watching my husband and oldest daughter work in the chicken yard. Meg doesn't have any problem getting into a building project, nor is she afraid of a little mud! As they were digging holes, the mud spewed from the post hole digger... and completely covered Meg in soft, springtime squishy mud. I don't know how she did it, but the mud made it into her mouth! A true farm girl, Meg spit out the mud, and just kept working.

Love my farm girl!

I love watching the projects that Chris and Meg take on together. As with any normal parent/teenage relationship there is friction, and there are times when they mix like oil and water. But when they are working on projects around the Allen Family Homestead, I witness them working together in a way that blesses my soul.

Handmade Fence Posts
I love watching her wheels turn as Megan takes on projects, figures out how, makes a plan, and implements till it is finished. Her natural interest in engineering and construction has become quite handy here!

My husband has grown over the years in his "do-it-yourself" confidence as well. In the 20 years we have been together, I am amazed at what he is willing to take on today. When we first met, he couldn't wait to get of his parents farm and enjoy city life. Little did we know then that we would be here fixing chicken fences and cleaning up chicken poop 20 years later. Now we work as a team on our own little farmette... God has a great sense of humor, doesn't he?

Checking off the project list is fun, yet the list never seems to get shorter! We are now working on adding hard wood floors to our 140 year old home. Pictures of that to come!

It is so great that spring is here, as we jump into the projects that built up on the to do list over the winter. I have been working hard on cleaning up the many different gardens, cleaning out and prepping the greenhouse, attending to our 25 baby chicks that are in the brooder. Never a dull moment at the Allen Family Homestead, and this is just the way we prefer it!

May your spring be filled with accomplishment!
City Gone Country Girl ~ Jenn

Monday, April 6, 2015

Finding the Joy in the Journey

Back-to-school laundry day. Kitty, get to work!

There is something soothing about routine.

Settling back into routine resets the soul.

Especially after having my family home from school for vacation.

Don't get me wrong, I love having my family home with me! I am blessed to be the wife of a teacher. My husband is home with the girls on most vacation days, which gives us time to be a family in ways I wish all families could enjoy.  I love that he wakes me up with coffee in bed. I love that I wake with the happy chitter-chatter of my girls wondering what the daily plan will be. I love that we spend our days together with daily adventures, whether be the days are filled with chores or fun outings.

But there is just something about re-establishing routine.

I gleefully waved goodbye to my husband and oldest daughter, as they drove down the driveway ready to return to school. I kissed my youngest daughter's cheek as she bounced out of the mini van. I smiled as I watched her braided hair sway back and forth, as she skipped into the doors of the elementary school. Another family vacation week was successful, and I can now relish in the peace that comes with what "back-to school day" brings.

And a hot cup of coffee.

There was a time when I was not as fond of back-to-school day. I would dread the laundry, the dishes, the chaotic clutter that accumulated from having them home for days at time. As if a category 5 tornado had just hit The Allen Homestead... and I am the only one called in for clean up duty! But I have a different perspective now. The vacation chaos is only for a short time, and it won't be long when I won't have my kids home with me. In time I may still wake with my husbands cup of coffee, but I won't have the chitter-chatter of my girls or the chaos of clutter that accumulates from them being home.

Instead of dreading the chores that "vacation" brings, I relish the memories that are made when they were home with me. As I put our house back together, I reminisce on what we did for the week. Sometimes I am amazed at what we can pack into a vacation week! The 2015 spring vacation included entertaining and feeding 5 families on several different days, building an entirely new fence for our chicken yard, bringing home 25 baby chicks, and an overnight trip to Niagara Falls. Phew! No wonder I am ready for them to go back to school. I need a vacation from our vacation!

It won't be long now before the family returns to a whole for summer vacation. Just a round the corner will be our extended form of chaos and fun! Till then I will relish the return of my home routine, whether it be house chores, caring for our 50 chickens, cleaning out our garden for spring planting, or a quiet coffee moment.

This City Gone Country Girl embraces the mundane! Finding the joy in the journey ~ Jenn

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

When In Doubt, Bake Cookies!

When another Winter Storm Warning cancels the evening activities,
what does this City Gone Country Girl decide to do ? 

Bake cookies of course!!
Country Cookies!

Cookie baking tends to be my go to activity when I have a moment to myself. Looking back on my childhood, cookie baking was something that was "mine".

Mom was a bit protective about her kitchen, she would not tolerate us kids in her domain most of the time. Special permission to intrude came only when I wanted to bake cookies.

As the oldest child of 5 kids, I learned quickly to create recipes into triple and quadruple batches. If I only made one "normal" cookie batch, the cookies would never make it off the cooling rack into a storage container! It remember how fast my siblings would munch them down before they were cooled enough to be palatable...

If there is a favorite cookie I like to make would be in the "drop cookie" category. Quick and easy, drop cookies make for a instant cookie fix with chips, raisins, and nuts.  Tongues wag at the flavored dough bases of chocolate, peanut butter, or flavored extracts like lemon or mint! 
Presently, I have two cookie monsters of my own. I always ask my two girls if they want to help me make cookies, but I think their favorite part is taste testing. Oh, and fighting over the cookie dough bowl of course!

We are adding cookies for sale as another product available by The Allen Family Homestead.
Baked with our own fresh eggs, home baked cookies will be a great addition to our growing product line! Don't forget the glass of milk~

Jenn ~ City Gone Country Girl

Friday, February 13, 2015

I Wish I Took Juggling In College...

Rejuvenate and give yourself grace!

I wish I took juggling in college.

It was an actual course! As a class option to fulfill a gym class requirement, I chose weight lifting instead. That may have prepared me to lift the 50lb bags of chicken feed which the chickens appreciate but...Maybe taking that juggling class would have prepared me better for my adult life.

Maybe it could have taught me how to juggle all the responsibilities that this City Gone Country Girl has on her plate.Husband, kids, family schedules, animals, farm chores, home chores, home cooking, gardening, friend time, church, blogging, etc...

Some days I just don't know how to do it all!

Taking on our mini farm added additional chores, responsibilities, and has stretched us financially in a way we may have not been ready for. There are days I feel pushed to the edge of my energy.

I make lists, and love to check them off with a BIG RED PEN.

There is something cathartic about scratching off the items that accumulate on the "to-do" list. Yet, that "to-do" list never seems to have an end... and I swear I hear it laughing at me! There will always be that ever growing "to-do" list on the Allen Family Homestead. Whether it is farm chores, home chores, or family responsibilities,  I have begun to make peace with it. I refuse to let it taunt me!

I have found my secret weapon. In order to tackle the day I must allow for rest and grace in order to be that supermom that I expect myself to be. Resting is not easy for me because I am easily haunted by that never ending "to-do" list. But by giving myself grace, I can rest and refresh. Instead of beating myself up for what I haven't finished, I reassure myself that I worked hard and accomplished what I could with what God gave me for the day. We can be our own worst enemy. We are only human. There are only so many hours in a day. It's okay to give yourself grace!

I realize that even professional jugglers cannot juggle items in the air indefinitely. Without rest their arms would get tired, and the items would crash to the floor shattering anything that was precious. I realize that my high expectations can cause me to feel that I am dropping the balls in the juggle of life. But by giving myself rest and grace, maybe I'm doing okay juggling my daily life after all!

Take time out for a cup of coffee.

Rejuvenate by giving yourself grace as you juggle your everyday!

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Can Winter Be a Season for Growth?

Snow covered gardens
Here we are once again, in the thick of the 2015 Winter season. It seems that the writing bug bites when I am stuck inside, hibernating from the cold.

This City Gone Country Girl has a secret. I have loved acclimating to country living, but it is hard surviving the winter season on the Allen Homestead. I have endured the figurative and literal meaning of being "cooped up"!

The sunshine offset the cold temperature outdoors today, so I bundled in my coat and put on my boots to do some photography. The sunshine felt so good on my face, I had almost forgotten what it felt like. In Upstate NY, the rays of sunshine are worth more than gold. It peaks so infrequently from behind the clouds, that when the sun makes its presence known, it's a day for praise! Especially for me, I am solar powered you know.

When I lived in the city, winter didn't seem to be as slow as it does here on the farm. There were things to go do. There were well plowed roads, warm malls, museums, movie theaters, and restaurants to visit. Even the local parks had plowed the park sidewalks for those who brave the cold to run the trails. These luxuries are not within many miles of where I live now, and there are days I truly miss the conveniences of city living. I find I miss it most during the winter.

Spring is a time for planning and prepping, summer for planting and growing, fall for harvesting, and winter for resting. I don't do well during time of rest because I don't like to sit still. I am a doer. Without having something constructive to work on, my brain goes into overdrive. So what do I do in the winter? I sit in my bay window, coffee in hand, fire in the woodstove, staring out at the snow white covered garden at rest. I spend my time overthinking. Over analyzing. Second guessing my choices. Wondering if I am doing things right. Hating the fact that I am cooped up inside like my chickens in the barn.

I realize that this is counterproductive behavior, and I know that I need to find something that will help me grow in a different way. It may not be planting seeds, digging in dirt, or pulling carrots, but there must be some constructive activity that can help this City Gone County Girl to personally grow during this seasonal dormant period!

In the next few weeks I will post what this City Gone Country Girl is doing to beat the winter blahs. I want to spend time with my family, take on some projects, learn something new, make things, whatever it takes to push through the season I don't care for so much. Maybe, just maybe, what is a dormant period for my gardens may be a growth period for me!

May We All Grow in the Wintertime!
City Gone County Girl ~ Jenn

A Time for Everything
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
A time to be born and a time to die,
A time to plant and a time to uproot,
A time to kill and a time to heal,
A time to tear down and a time to build,
A time to weep and a time to laugh,
A time to mourn and a time to dance,
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
A time to search and a time to give up,
A time to keep and a time to throw away,
A time to tear and a time to mend,
A time to be silent and a time to speak,
A time to love and a time to hate,
A time for war and a time for peace.
What do workers gain from their toil?
I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race.
He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 NIV