Tuesday, March 3, 2015

When In Doubt, Bake Cookies!

When another Winter Storm Warning cancels the evening activities,
what does this City Gone Country Girl decide to do ? 

Bake cookies of course!!
Country Cookies!

Cookie baking tends to be my go to activity when I have a moment to myself. Looking back on my childhood, cookie baking was something that was "mine".

Mom was a bit protective about her kitchen, she would not tolerate us kids in her domain most of the time. Special permission to intrude came only when I wanted to bake cookies.

As the oldest child of 5 kids, I learned quickly to create recipes into triple and quadruple batches. If I only made one "normal" cookie batch, the cookies would never make it off the cooling rack into a storage container! It remember how fast my siblings would munch them down before they were cooled enough to be palatable...

If there is a favorite cookie I like to make would be in the "drop cookie" category. Quick and easy, drop cookies make for a instant cookie fix with chips, raisins, and nuts.  Tongues wag at the flavored dough bases of chocolate, peanut butter, or flavored extracts like lemon or mint! 
Presently, I have two cookie monsters of my own. I always ask my two girls if they want to help me make cookies, but I think their favorite part is taste testing. Oh, and fighting over the cookie dough bowl of course!

We are adding cookies for sale as another product available by The Allen Family Homestead.
Baked with our own fresh eggs, home baked cookies will be a great addition to our growing product line! Don't forget the glass of milk~

Jenn ~ City Gone Country Girl