Friday, April 17, 2015

Spring Has Sprung... Let the Projects Begin!

Spring is upon us at the Allen Family Homestead, and that means its time to dust off the tools and hit the project list! After this last hard winter, we are ready to move our bodies and breathe the fresh air. 

First Spring Project
Our first challenge was to rebuild the chicken fence. We needed to add permanent wood posts hold the fencing because our Husky dog has plowed over the fencing numerous times to get to the chickens. We also wanted to build a gate so we could let the chickens out to roam (when the dog is tethered of course).

This was the funniest day, watching my husband and oldest daughter work in the chicken yard. Meg doesn't have any problem getting into a building project, nor is she afraid of a little mud! As they were digging holes, the mud spewed from the post hole digger... and completely covered Meg in soft, springtime squishy mud. I don't know how she did it, but the mud made it into her mouth! A true farm girl, Meg spit out the mud, and just kept working.

Love my farm girl!

I love watching the projects that Chris and Meg take on together. As with any normal parent/teenage relationship there is friction, and there are times when they mix like oil and water. But when they are working on projects around the Allen Family Homestead, I witness them working together in a way that blesses my soul.

Handmade Fence Posts
I love watching her wheels turn as Megan takes on projects, figures out how, makes a plan, and implements till it is finished. Her natural interest in engineering and construction has become quite handy here!

My husband has grown over the years in his "do-it-yourself" confidence as well. In the 20 years we have been together, I am amazed at what he is willing to take on today. When we first met, he couldn't wait to get of his parents farm and enjoy city life. Little did we know then that we would be here fixing chicken fences and cleaning up chicken poop 20 years later. Now we work as a team on our own little farmette... God has a great sense of humor, doesn't he?

Checking off the project list is fun, yet the list never seems to get shorter! We are now working on adding hard wood floors to our 140 year old home. Pictures of that to come!

It is so great that spring is here, as we jump into the projects that built up on the to do list over the winter. I have been working hard on cleaning up the many different gardens, cleaning out and prepping the greenhouse, attending to our 25 baby chicks that are in the brooder. Never a dull moment at the Allen Family Homestead, and this is just the way we prefer it!

May your spring be filled with accomplishment!
City Gone Country Girl ~ Jenn

Monday, April 6, 2015

Finding the Joy in the Journey

Back-to-school laundry day. Kitty, get to work!

There is something soothing about routine.

Settling back into routine resets the soul.

Especially after having my family home from school for vacation.

Don't get me wrong, I love having my family home with me! I am blessed to be the wife of a teacher. My husband is home with the girls on most vacation days, which gives us time to be a family in ways I wish all families could enjoy.  I love that he wakes me up with coffee in bed. I love that I wake with the happy chitter-chatter of my girls wondering what the daily plan will be. I love that we spend our days together with daily adventures, whether be the days are filled with chores or fun outings.

But there is just something about re-establishing routine.

I gleefully waved goodbye to my husband and oldest daughter, as they drove down the driveway ready to return to school. I kissed my youngest daughter's cheek as she bounced out of the mini van. I smiled as I watched her braided hair sway back and forth, as she skipped into the doors of the elementary school. Another family vacation week was successful, and I can now relish in the peace that comes with what "back-to school day" brings.

And a hot cup of coffee.

There was a time when I was not as fond of back-to-school day. I would dread the laundry, the dishes, the chaotic clutter that accumulated from having them home for days at time. As if a category 5 tornado had just hit The Allen Homestead... and I am the only one called in for clean up duty! But I have a different perspective now. The vacation chaos is only for a short time, and it won't be long when I won't have my kids home with me. In time I may still wake with my husbands cup of coffee, but I won't have the chitter-chatter of my girls or the chaos of clutter that accumulates from them being home.

Instead of dreading the chores that "vacation" brings, I relish the memories that are made when they were home with me. As I put our house back together, I reminisce on what we did for the week. Sometimes I am amazed at what we can pack into a vacation week! The 2015 spring vacation included entertaining and feeding 5 families on several different days, building an entirely new fence for our chicken yard, bringing home 25 baby chicks, and an overnight trip to Niagara Falls. Phew! No wonder I am ready for them to go back to school. I need a vacation from our vacation!

It won't be long now before the family returns to a whole for summer vacation. Just a round the corner will be our extended form of chaos and fun! Till then I will relish the return of my home routine, whether it be house chores, caring for our 50 chickens, cleaning out our garden for spring planting, or a quiet coffee moment.

This City Gone Country Girl embraces the mundane! Finding the joy in the journey ~ Jenn