Thursday, February 18, 2016

Shoveling... Water?

So our first snowstorm of the winter forced my husband and I to pull out our dusty shovels!

~ Our Slushy & Icy Driveway ~
Yes, Shovels. We have a snow blower, but we received ice and rain first, so the snow was so heavy the snow blower wouldn't work. 

Dressed like Eskimos, and armed with shovels, we attacked our very long gravel driveway by hand! I heard on the news earlier in the morning that this is called "Heart Attack Snow", and with the first scoop, I understood why. I also heard that each shovel of snow weighs about 15 lbs. with this moisture filled slush. We have one ergonomically designed shovel, which my husband used. I got stuck with the muck shovel from the chicken coop. Oh joy! 

~ My Muck Shovel ~
I feel like we just stepped onto the set of the television show, The Biggest Loser. Our task is to shovel out the slush filled driveway as quickly as possible before the temperature drops and it turns to ice. With another foot of snow predicted to fall on us, we knew we had our work cut out for us before our whole driveway becomes an ice skating rink!

I had never seen so much water in "snow" before! We were literally shoveling water down the driveway. Chris would shovel scrape the snow off, and I followed behind him shoveling the water underneath. It was crazy! We could watch the water left behind me begin to freeze immediately, which made walking back up the hill drive tricky. 

Our task took two hours, just to dig out the essential driveway areas. As much as this projects was a challenge, we tried to stay positive and have fun! Reminding ourselves that this is the first time we had to shovel snow this year helped. Reminiscing of the hard winter we survived last year really made us feel better! I couldn't help but giggle as Chris "slipped shoveled", it made for great entertainment! 

Working hard on the Homestead with a positive attitude... 
this City Gone Country Girl found muscles she forgot she had!

In the City, there would have been a plow service that would have been called to clean out the driveway in a swoop. But there is something about the fresh air and the happy tiredness of a good job done. Not to mention the exercise Chris and I just clocked in for the day! 

~ Frozen Lilacs and Barn ~ 
As the snow came down around us,we knew that we would have to attack this driveway again. But after two hours of shoveling 15 pound scoopfuls of snow, we were toast!

Time for a break, Chris went in to warm up by the fire, and I went sledding in the back yard with our youngest daughter.

After all that work, it was time for some fun! 

Jenn ~ City Gone Country Girl

Friday, February 12, 2016

Life's Learning Curve

~ Sometimes, I Miss the City ~
For a 6 month stint, I went back to the City for a job.

Managing an upscale women's clothing store was a fun experience, getting off the homestead and dressing up was a treat. But it didn't take long to be reminded why I left the City and became the country girl that I am.

The daily commute was pure torture for me. It took me one hour to get to work, and one hour home. This was two hours of my day away from my family and my responsibilities on the Homestead. My thoughts would wander to my to do list, that is always larger than time allotted. I would beat myself up because the two hour commute was time lost that I could be getting chores done around the Homestead. This time loss was essential; I can get a lot done at home and on the farm in two hours, and my responsibilities were neglected.

Working retail means long hours. It can be as early as 7 am shifts, and as late as 11 pm evenings. Now add that hour drive. Ugh. It means 7 days a week open scheduling, where weekends area must. Ugh. No more family events, no more social life. Evening and weekend hours were my specialty, so that meant days without seeing my family. Double Ugh.

Once I started calculating how much of a paycheck I actually brought home, my eyes were opened once again. Another reminder to why I chose to spend my life on the homestead, and this desire became once again appealing. The math does not lie:
~ My First New Car! ~
  • I bought a new, reliable car for the commute.
  • I spent 2 weeks of my paycheck just on gasoline and wear and tear on my car to get to work. 
  • I had to purchase professional clothes that represented the store I worked at. Even with the employee discount that was quite a chunk! 
  • If there was a day I forgot to pack a lunch, eating out took a heavy dime from my days pay. Unfortunately, most edible options are not the healthiest food at the mall food court.
  • Many days of ordering out instead of home cooked meals cost us more $ than that of the meal planning that was done when I was home. Again, nutrition 
Was I actually bring home a paycheck that constituted this expenditure? NOT A CHANCE.

I understand where this experience fits into my worldly puzzle. I had to be reminded how good I have it here on The Allen Family Homestead. I have my moments, where I wonder if I should be doing more, bringing in a professional salary, and feelings of loneliness. But I learned that the stressors of the professional life don't fit into the simpler lifestyle that I am setting up here for my family. 

I have returned to substitute teach at our local school district, and I cannot believe what a better fit it is for me, my family, and our homesteading lifestyle. With nights and weekends off, I can spend time with my family again. With the days I do not get called into school, I can focus on our farm business. I go to work with my family, and get to work with the kiddos that my heart loves to be with. I am free once again to enjoy school vacation time with my husband (teacher) and children. 
~ Home Sweet Homestead ~

Will I be rich? No. Am I happy? Yes. 

It truly is a winning combination for our family on the Allen Family Homestead.

The grass is not greener on the other side. But sometimes it takes a taste of the other side to truly appreciate what you have. 

This City Gone Country Girl has been reminded that the Simple Living here at the Homestead is truly the life that suits me! 

Bloom Where You are Planted!

City Gone Country Girl ~ Jenn