Wednesday, August 10, 2016

To Blog, Or Not to Blog, That is the Question!

Beautiful Drought Resistant Weeds
Summer 2016 is in full swing, as mid August looks us square into our sweaty faces. A rough summer of drought and heat has caused this City Gone Country Girl some stress that I have not had to endure before. My lack of blogging about our adventures? I am learning that it is difficult to do everything here on the hobby farm and write about it on a consistent basis. There is so much to do!

This summer has been quite challenging on the Allen Family Homestead. The lack of snow from this past winter combined with the lack of rain this summer has caused some interesting issues for us this year. The water table is so low that our wells are running dry. Yet the weeds are blooming beautifully!

Luckily on our little hobby farm we are blessed to have two wells; one for the farmhouse and one for the barn and gardens.  Both of these water sources have been tapped to the bottom this year, our first time experiencing this since we bought the homestead. We hear that others local wells are going dry, so we know that we are not alone. We have been watching the corn fields curl and go brown, and many fields are dying before even having a chance to tassel. My husband and I are grateful that we postponed having any bigger critters this year.

Because of the drought, our crops have been hit or miss this growing season. We haven't had enough of anything to sell, just enough production to feed our family and our 40 chickens. It has been heartbreaking watching crops and plants wither and die because of the lack of water. The animals have to come first with the water source, plants second. Needless to say there won't be much for canning and winter storage this year.

Iron Stained Washtub
It has been an interesting lesson, as a former City Girl, I was used to unlimited water from the local town municipal supply. Never had to think about water rationing or water recycling. I have learned a lot this year about well systems and water conditioning. Problems with our water smelling of sulfur, and yellowing of clothing was a frustrating learning experience. As the water table depletes, we are bringing up the well sediment from the bottom, which for our source has an abundance of iron. The iron build up destroys clothing! All our not-so-white clothing due to staining had to be replaced, and this new to the country girl had to frequent the wash machines of town friends and laundromats to keep from losing anymore. Ugh. And forget taking a shower... the smell is enough to knock your socks off! Double ugh.

This is where living on a Homestead is not about self-sufficiency. Homesteaders need to connect with the community for support. Talking to local friends with similar issues, we learned of a hometown business that specializes in water and well supplies. After listening to these knowledgeable folk, we learned that adding chlorine to our household well will help immensely with much of the problems that were were seeing here. Boy they were right! Following their directions made a complete difference! I am still nervous to put in pure white clothing into the wash machine, but this has helped limit the laundry hopping and replacement shopping trips.

Truly the best!
We have also learned of some cleaning supplies that have helped us clean out the stains on our appliances, sinks, and tubs. After trying many products, I have found "Iron Out" to be the best product to deal with iron stains. I highly recommend it for cleaning and can also be used in your laundry loads to protect from stains as well. Totally worth a few bucks!!

I see that our local weatherman is calling for some rain this week, and oh how I pray that he is right! Our area needs the water, but I wonder for the crops if it may be too little, too late.

But for the well? Let's fill that baby up!!

Please excuse me as this City Gone Country Girl is off to do a rain dance!!!



  1. Hey, I really like your blog and I could not help but notice that we actually have a lot in common.. lol.. My name is Amanda Sherrell, I'm a pastors wife, and among my many talents I enjoy acting and writing, and I too have a blog called .. it's about my life's adventures of living a mixed life of country and city. I sometimes like to think of it as living the best of both worlds with my hubby, three cats, and one dog. So come check me out sometime!

  2. Hello Amanda! Thanks for stopping by my Blog! New and under-construction, I am so glad you found me. How neat that we have similar Blogs with opposite names! Can't wait to check yours out too.
    Lord Bless You ~ Jenn
