Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rain, Rain, Go ... Fill My Well!


April showers are supposed to bring May flowers. But what about June rain? Our surrounding towns and counties are in the midst of flood watches and alerts.  Our sump-pump is working overtime rockin' the floors as it sings in the basement.

At first, I was overjoyed with the rain. I was excited that I didn't have to stand over to shower my newly planted fruits, veggies, and flower beds for hours with a hose. As the rainy days have become rainy weeks, I now look longingly at my plants through my window, praying that my newly planted beets don't float away or my established plants don't become snail fodder.

As much as the rain is beginning to play on my nerves, and my motivation, (I am as solar powered as my plants), I am grateful for the well water refill. This is new territory for the City Girl in me, as I become oriented to a well system instead of being infinitely fed by town water lines. Much entertainment was brought to others as they giggled at me; I tweaked about taking showers, doing dishes, and running loads of laundry all in the same day. Remember, I am learning to be a Country Girl!

We are blessed to have two wells, we couldn't be more excited for that. Our indoor well  is dug 200ft in the ground, and on a filtration system (which is desired in order to douse that new fabulous smell, country sulfur water!) The other well is specific for outdoor use for gardening, the chickens, and just maybe some old time fun in the sprinkler with the kids. My husband assures me we are okay to pump out many loads of laundry and dishes, and the kids don't have to be thrown out with the bath water!

So as the monsoon continues to flow, here is a cheer to the droplets that annoy our outdoor plans. May the sun shine soon, but till then...cheers to a full well and clean laundry!

~Jenn, City Gone Country Girl


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